

What is imed

Hundreds of practitioners are already using the certified, iMed e-Rx electronic prescription system for Electronic Prescribing of both legend and EPCS compliant prescriptions. You can too start through EPCS with iMed e-Rx very easily.

Key Highlights of imed:

  • Live over the phone customer support
  • Send error-free prescriptions
  • DEA audited and approved
  • Running on SureScripts backbone
  • 25 Years in Medical Office Service
  • Certified for e-Prescribing in all States
  • Pay only for prescribing providers
  • EPCS and PMP compliant and secure
  • Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA)
  • Identity Proofing included
  • 2FA (2-factor authentication) enabled
  • Formulary support to help reduce costs to your patients
  • Drug-Drug, Allergy, and Disease interaction checking
  • Electronic refill requests and questions from pharmacy
  • Database of drug stores with frequent updates
  • Master drug database with frequent updates
  • Drug therapy monitoring
  • Dose check to ensure appropriate window for range and duration
  • Duplicate therapy database identifies overdose of ingredients
  • Industry standardized drug naming database for complete inter operability
  • Prescriptions sent securely and electronically over the Internet
  • 24/7 monitoring of script delivery
  • Start prescribing immediately after EPCS registration
  • Browser based and works in both PCs and Cell Phones
  • Standalone e-prescribing, No EHR required
  • Fast and easy account creation and setup

What is EPCS:

Electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS) is a regulation as well as technology solution. Dr ug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and states worked together to create regulation and legislation to address the problem of rising prescription drug abuse in the United States. The DEA Title 21 CFR sets the guidance for EPCS. EPCS technology was developed to address the problem of forged or stolen prescriptions. The technology requires authentication of prescriber for each prescription of controlled drugs, with improved security standards such as two-factor authentication. The technology also audits activity on EPCS with a centralized database. As the first step in this direction, the DEA legalized the use of Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances In 2010.   Show more >

EPCS can help:

  • Medical Practitioners to write, transmit and archive prescriptions for controlled substances electronically.
  • Pharmacies to receive those electronic prescriptions, dispense the drugs and archive prescription data.
  • Address the problem of prescription drug abuse in the United States by monitoring the controlled drug’s consumption level by individuals, by prescription management program (PMP) database, which is populated with the drug dispense data from various pharmacies. Providers are required to verify the individual usage with the database. In addition, the PMP systems can generate and pass-on alerts to providers, if a patient’s drug usage exceeds the limits.
  • Prevent dispensers from yielding to prescription fraud. EPCS systems is a secured, 100% electronic prescription system that does not require paper prescription pads prone to be stolen, forged, or altered to obtain a prescription drug.
  • Prevent doctor shopping that the patients seeking care from multiple physicians for the same illness, with the intent of getting additional prescriptions. EPCS/PMP systems allow providers easily access a patient’s prescription history from the centralized database.

What is a Controlled Substance:

Controlled substances are drugs that have a potential for abuse and possible addiction. The access to these drugs are regulated by the federal Controlled Substance Act (CSA). Controlled substances are categorized into 5 groups called schedules.

What are the Practitioner Responsibilities:

DEA Title 21 puts much of the responsibility on the prescriber to ensure safety of EPCS.The prescrib er must register with the DEA and obtain a DEA number for prescribing controlled substances. They retain the sole possession the two factor authentication tokens and must not share the password. The prescriber has the same responsibilities while writing prescriptions using an EPCS system as when issuing a paper or oral prescription. DEA Title 21 also requires the technologies used for EPCS to be a certified product by a certification body and audited by a third party auditor. This is to ensure that the technology meets the requirements set for properly creating, signing, and refilling of controlled substance prescriptions. The technology also requires the prescriber to obtain identity verification and two-factor authentication, that the prescriptions are linked to the DEA registration number of the prescriber who is authorized to prescribe such drugs. In essence, the system ensures that the prescriber is the only one signing the prescription.   Show more >

How many States are Participating in EPCS:

As of July 2015, 49 states and the District of Columbia have approved e-prescribing of controlled substances for Schedules III through V, and most for Schedule II drugs as well. You can start e-prescribing both legend and controlled drugs using iMed-eRx

PDMP & Future EPCS Mandates
PDMP & EPCS Mandates
PDMP Mandate Only
No EPCS or PDMP Mandates in Effect
EPCS Mandate Only

Call us 1-800-515-0095 and we will get you on-board through our quick,easy, compliant, and inexpensive EPCS solution.